Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nidamat novel written by Umera Ahmed Download pdf - novels download pk
umera Ahmed novel bass ik dagh-e-nidamat
Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nidamat novel written by  Umera Ahmed  Download pdf

Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nidamat novel written by Umera Ahmed Download pdf

umera Ahmed novel bass ik dagh-e-nidamat
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Product Description

Free download or read online Pdf Urdu Novel "Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nidamat" and appreciate an extremely lovely social sentimental story in plain Urdu dialect. "Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nidamat" is the title name of this Urdu novel which is composed by Umera Ahmed who is the most well known Urdu author, process essayist, Urdu dramatization content essayist and a renowned Urdu litterateur from Pakistan. Umera Ahmed has wrote around 20 books yet every last bit of her books are valued and preferred by Urdu perusers. Numerous novel of Umera Ahmed circulated around the web subsequent to distributing. She is best known for her Urdu novel Peer-e-Kamil which was additionally converted into English dialect.

Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nidamat is a short Urdu social sentimental story translated from one of her novel. Bas Ik Dagh e Nidamat is the length of 88 pages. The story is about a Pakistani young lady. Umera Ahmed has composed this story like the Pakistani society. This story has likewise a lesson for those young ladies who couldn't care less the finish of affection and becomes hopelessly enamored.

Bas Ik Dagh e Nidamat Urdu novel by Umera Ahmed is here in Pdf design.

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